Support the Project
Give Children A Brighter Future

1Financial help
The financial burden of the project falls into two categories:
1. Regular ongoing costs such as teachers’ wages, running costs of the educational facilities – for instance, it takes £30-35 a month to house, feed and educate each orphan or street child boarding with the project.
2. One off needs for funds to extend the educational facilities at Bursaalax and develop the infrastructure in the area.
2Current priorities
The current priorities for such funding include:
1. Tertiary/vocational training to enable as many students as possible to stay in and develop the area after secondary education.
2. Extending the laboratory facilities in the secondary school.
3. Adding to the healthcare provision in the area.
4. Extending access to the electricity supply and introducing solar energy.
3Money received
As the administration in the United Kingdom is on a purely voluntary basis, all money received will go towards the project in Somalia and supporting those running it.
4Administrative/fund raising support
The project has reached the stage where all the funds raised from the worldwide Somali diaspora are spent on maintaining the current level of educational and other provision in the area. Reliance solely on one-off grants from NGO’s and government funds to take the project forward is risky and as a result new funding streams need to be tapped into which in turn requires the enlistment of people with special skills and experience. Whether you have those skills or just enthusiasm to take the project forward, please come and join us by………………………………………